Shenandoah University
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Educational Services industry employers submit 8 H-1B petitions across North Shenandoah News publication area in 2024
Employers classified under the Educational Services industry based in the North Shenandoah News publication area submitted eight H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
Students paid more for higher education in Winchester city in 2022-23 school year
College tuition fees rose 2% in Winchester city in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
80% of college applicants to Winchester city's only university were admitted for fall 2022
Winchester city's only university admitted a total of 80% of applicants for fall 2022, an increase over the previous year.
Virginia: White students most represented ethnicity at Winchester city universities in 2022-23 school year
Enrollment data for the university in Winchester city revealed white was the most common ethnicity among students in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
Winchester city awards no money in athletically-related financial aid to students in 2023
Winchester city did not provide any athletically related financial aid in 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Winchester city's only institution spent $338,668 on basketball teams in 2023
Winchester city's basketball collegiate teams received $338,668 in funding for the 2023 season.
Winchester city's women's football teams did not receive any funding in 2023
Women's football teams from Winchester city received no funding during the 2023 season, unchanged from the previous year.
Winchester city's men's football teams receive $598,808 in 2023
Men's football teams from Winchester city received $598,808 during the 2023 season, down 1.6% from the previous year.
Winchester city’s women’s basketball teams receive $131,700 in 2023
Women’s basketball teams from Winchester city received $131,700 during the 2023 season, down 38.3% from the previous year.
Winchester city’s institutions spent $206,968 on men’s basketball teams in 2023
Men’s basketball teams from Winchester city received $206,968 during the 2023 season, down 5.1% from the previous year.
Winchester city's only university spent $598,808 on football teams in 2023
Winchester city's institution spent $598,808 on their football teams in 2023, a decrease from the previous year.
23.8% of Winchester city students played sports on collegiate teams in 2022
Winchester city's only university had 23.8% of its student body playing sports on collegiate teams in 2022.
18 coaches at institution in Winchester city earned $46,909 on average in 2022
The average coaching salary at Shenandoah University, the only institution paying coaches during 2022 in Winchester city, was $46,909, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Shenandoah To Take Part In Virginia Private College Week
Shenandoah To Take Part In Virginia Private College Week
Shenandoah Sends Delegation to Partner Institution in Palestine
Shenandoah Sends Delegation to Partner Institution in Palestine
Old Town to host two-day bluegrass festival in August 202
Old Town to host two-day bluegrass festival in August 202
Shenandoah University To Celebrate 1,337 Graduates At May 21 Commencement
Shenandoah University To Celebrate 1,337 Graduates At May 21 Commencement
SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITY: Incoming Provost Cameron McCoy Selected To Examine Racial, Economic Opportunity Gaps In Higher EducationMcCoy One Of 12 Higher Education Leaders To Collaborate For Education Design Lab Nonprofit
Incoming Shenandoah University Provost Cameron McCoy, Ph.D, has been selected as one of 12 higher education leaders to join a national project to examine and discuss ways to make the higher education experience more equitable for all students.
SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITY: Shenandoah Marches Into Fall 2022 With New Band, DirectorThe Marching Band Will Generate Support, Spirit And Be Accompanied By A Color Guard
Shenandoah University’s First-Ever Marching Band Will Take To The Field In The Fall Of 2022.
Cost of college went up for all students at Shenandoah University
Tuition and fees rose 1.9 percent for 2018-19 at Shenandoah University, according to recent data from the U.S. Department of Education.